American Drone Had Ten-Hour Monitoring Flight over Donbas

The US Air Force drone RQ-4B Global Hawk for 10 hours made a monitoring flight along the demarcation line in Donbas.

The aircraft monitored along the front line from the territories controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, while it was at an altitude of about 15.5 thousand meters, the Ukrainian military portal reports.

It is clarified that the drone's tasks are capable of monitoring hundreds of kilometers into the enemy’s territory — a high-resolution camera, an infrared sensor and a radar for tracking moving objects are installed on board, designed to conduct strategic information gathering to a depth of more than 300 km. When flying at high altitudes, Global Hawk is able to survey large areas, carry out high-resolution point targets, and transmit data in real-time through a satellite communication channel.

The American drone that conducted the monitoring flew from an air base in Italy. The route of his flight to Donbas ran through Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. It crossed the border of Ukraine to the north of Moldova.

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