In CDDLR Militants Developed a "Memo for Those Who Go to Ukraine": They Advise Not to Take the Documents of the "LNR" and Not to Talk to Anyone

In the so-called “MGB “LNR”, a memo for the residents of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, who travel to Ukraine, was prepared.

Militants advise residents of the occupied Luhansk region not to take any documents of the fake republic with them remove any information about the so-called "LNR" from phones and gadgets and not talk with anyone.

Every random unfamiliar person on the territory of Ukraine can turn out to be an agent of the Ukrainian special services or a provocateur from neo-Nazi organizations, believe in the “MGB “LNR”.

Also, the inhabitants of CDDLR are intimidated by the fact that on territories under the control of the Ukrainian authorities, even for mild criticism of the authorities, everyone can be behind bars.

"Do not state any value judgments about the situation in Ukraine and the Luhansk People's Republic, - the document says. - Remember: even the mildest criticisms of the current regime are used in Ukraine for accusations of anti-state activity, separatism, terrorism and subsequent repression".

At the same time, special services of militants assert that even if all security measures are observed, the inhabitants of CDDLR can be arrested. In this case, the militants recommend contact them for help.

Residents of CDDLR comment on the recommendations in social networks, noting that they are not citizens of the "LNR", once with these documents you can not go anywhere. Also, people joke that the passports of dogs are more reliable than passports of fake republics.

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