In the CDDLR Teachers, Doctors and Officials Were Banned from Visiting Ukraine

Schools, hospitals, mines, as well as other budgetary enterprises located in occupied Donetsk region, received the order of the so-called "authorities" about the prohibition for state employees and government personnel to enter the territory controlled by Ukraine.

For residents of the occupied territories, the ban is explained with concern for security - allegedly in the Ukrainian territories teachers and doctors can be kidnapped so that they can later be exchanged for Ukrainian prisoners of war.

At the same time, local residents report that, at the time of the ban, the occupation authorities refer to an order or decree of the "head of the DNR" № 363, which was issued in December.

However, it was not possible to find this "document" on the website of the fake republic.

#Donetsk papers on the ban on the departure of state employees to the territory of Ukraine came to schools

Wow, oh my! Serfdom already appears, it is not even the USSR.
And not only in schools, hospitals, mines.

Everyone signs in the table that they are acquainted with the order № 363 from 15.11.2017, which does not de facto exist, what will appear later is unknown.

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