Japanese Artist Will Bring Her Pictures about ATO Fighters to Mariupol

In Mariupol, the Japanese artist will present for the first time an exhibition of paintings about Ukrainian defenders.

The exhibition "Defenders of Mariupol in the Paintings of a Japanese Artist" will be held in the Mariupol Contemporary Art Center named after Kuindzhi. As it said on the page of the event in the FB, at the exhibition, which will last from February 2 to 28, 15 paintings about Ukrainian fighters and volunteers in the popular Japanese manga style will be presented.

"Such a Mariupol viewer has not yet seen," the message says. - Among the canvases, there is a picture that depicts the outskirts of the village of Talakivka after the fighting in the winter-spring 2015 and the defense of Shyrokyne."

Among the heroes of the paintings are “Azov” fighters, Georgian volunteers and military women.

The author of the pictures is a young Japanese artist Natsume, who follows the events of the war in the east of Ukraine on the Internet. She admires the fortitude of the Ukrainian fighters and the fact that Ukrainian women have become massively defending their country. The artist tried to depict her admiration in the pictures.

Natsume's paintings will be seen directly by the participants in the battles for Shyrokyne, who inspired a young Japanese artist.

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