Macron’s Plan about the Settlement in the Donbass Was Promulgated

The proposals of French President Emmanuel Macron provide set of measures for settlement in the Donbass.

Almost fully the plan of Macron was published by

Item one: all parties must cease fire.

Item two: the parties must remove heavy equipment from the line of contact.

Item three: the five points where clashes most often occur will be demilitarized.

Item four: the parties undertake to assist the OSCE, undertake to give observers access without restriction.

Item five: the release of hostages.

There are additional items.

According to the document, Russian President Vladimir Putin is obliged to cancel his decree on issuing Russian documents to residents of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

In response, Ukraine undertakes to create conditions for issuing the necessary documents to local residents in the liberated territory.

In addition, Ukraine cancels the decision to blockade certain regions, in exchange Russia returns Ukraine control over all the enterprises that were captured by the militants in the occupied territory.

2024 © Інформаційне агентство «Вчасно» — новини Донбасу.
2024 © ГО "Медіа-Погляд".

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