Mariupol Residents Daily Breathe Dangerous to Health Formaldehyde

In Mariupol, the Donetsk region, once again, indicators of high levels of air pollution were recorded.

In Mariupol, there is a dynamic of air pollution index increasing. Lyudmyla Panarkina, the head of the Donetsk Regional Center for Hydrometeorology told this, NA «Vchasno» reports.

She noted that the center conducts continuous monitoring of pollution with the help of five stationary posts in different parts of the city: the content of dust, sulfur, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other substances in the air is under observation.

A separate selection is also carried out, which shows the content of heavy metals in the air breathed by Mariupol residents

«In 2017, the air pollution index was 15.5. Such a value of the indicator refers to a very high level of pollution, — Lyudmyla Panarkina said. — The dynamics of the pollution index this year also shows an increase. The big part of the fact that we have such a high pollution index belongs to such a substance as formaldehyde».

Among the reasons for the increase in the content of substances in the air, Lyudmyla Panarkina called chemical production and pollution from motor vehicles. Also one of the factors that worsens the situation with harmful substances, the woman called the weather conditions.

Recall recently the issue of environmental degradation in the resort Mariupol is gaining more and more resonance. Locals are struggling to attract the attention of the public and international partners to the uncontrolled emissions of metallurgical giants that belong to Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov.

Not seeing a solution to the problem, Mariupol residents have already appealed to both President Petro Poroshenko and the Cabinet of Ministers with the requirement to recognize the city as an environmental emergency zone and remove Ostap Semerak from the post of Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources.

READ: VIDEO. «Stop Slowly Killing Me», — Mariupol Children Demand from Poroshenko to Influence the Emissions of Akhmetov’s Plants

September 29 in Mariupol people held a mass campaign «I want to breathe».

Also, almost every day, Mariupol residents publish in social networks photos and video evidence of excessive emissions of the Akhmetov’s plants. In the comments to the photo, people note that the air in Mariupol is often saturated with extraneous substances, people have more frequent cases of allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. Meanwhile, the leadership of the metallurgical giants continues to repeat that everything is in order and asks «not to sway the situation».

We note that formaldehyde is dangerous, primarily for mucous membranes and skin. It causes irritation, itching, rash. Other common signs of formaldehyde poisoning include lethargy, frequent headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Regular eye inflammations and skin manifestations are also possible.

Formaldehyde is listed as a carcinogen, therefore, constant contact with this substance dramatically increases the likelihood of cancer.

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