More than 80 City Councils and District Councils Supported the Headquarters of the Blockade of Donbass

On the Donbass the trade blockade of the occupied territories continues for 53 days.

According to the blockade's headquarters reports on March 19, three redoubts that lock out the main railroads of trade with the occupied territories have been installed - one in the Lugansk region, two in the Donetsk region. Two redoubts that control motor traffic with the occupied territories have been created, - one each in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

For 53 days, redoubt “Bogdan” near Svetlanov station in the Lugansk region prevented crossing the line of demarcation with the occupiers of 38 thousand 160 wagons. Redoubt “Zaporozhye” near Bakhmut in the Donetsk region did not allow the crossing of about 27 thousand wagons in 45 days. Redoubt “16 Volunteer Battalion” near the Krivoi Torets station in the Donetsk region (that moved closer to Konstantinovka) did not allow the intersection of 115,440 wagons in 37 days.

Mines “Komsomolets”, “SverdlovskAntratsit” and “Rovenki Antratsit” are closed; the work of the Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant, “Krasnodonugol”, Alchevsk Metallurgical Plant and Donetsk Metallurgical Plant was also stopped.

Deputies of more than 80 city councils and district councils from different regions - Ternopil, Sumy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Rivne, Kamenets-Podolsky, Chernivtsi, Lutsk, Cherkasy, ​​Truskavets, Volyn, and others - spoke out for the blockade and against force dispersal.

Also, the participants of the blockade report about support from servicemen and volunteer associations, volunteer and veteran organizations.

The blockade, according to its organizers, will continue until full compliance with the requirements - the release of Ukrainian prisoners and the recognition of captured territories as occupied by the militants of Donbas.

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