On The Donetsk Route with Ukrainian Flags: Residents of the Front-Line Cities Held a Patriotic Auto Race

Independence Day of Ukraine residents of the frontline Donetsk Region celebrated with the traditional rally that started from Pokrovsk to the way to Donetsk.

55 cars, including military equipment, drove with Ukrainian symbols from Pokrovsk along the Donetsk highway, IA "Vchasno" reports.

For the traditional patriotic motor rally, which the residents of Pokrovsk have been carrying out since 2014, activists, public figures, residents of the cities of the western Donbass and servicemen have united.

The column with Ukrainian symbols passed through the streets of the front-line Pokrovsk and moved in the way of Donetsk. On the way, the participants of the rally stopped in several places of Ukrainian servicemen's death to honor their memory and lay flowers to memorable signs.

In the village Pervomaiskoye near the remains of a tank, whose crew was killed in 2014, a prayer was held. Here the men of the 93 brigade and the Right Sector volunteers blew up on the mine.

Also, participants of the rally made stops near the memorable signs of the dead fighters in the village Umanskoe and the Karlovka village.

The route of the column was increased this year, the participants of the rally drove through Pokrovsk, Lisovka, Novogrodovka, along the Donetsk highway, through Netailove, Umanskoe, and Karlovka.

Residents of front-line settlements were welcomed with signals and congratulations on the Independence Day of Ukraine.

The participants of the rally note that every year in the Donetsk region there are more and more people who respond with smiles and greetings when they see a column of cars with national symbols.

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