OSCE Announced the Preparation of a Decision on an Absolute Truce in Donbas

On Wednesday, February 28, the OSCE special representative in the trilateral contact group (TCG) Martin Sajdik told journalists that the contact group on Donbas is preparing a new truce in the conflict zone.

The Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office in Ukraine and in the trilateral contact group, Ambassador Martin Sajdik states that within the framework of negotiations in Minsk, work is under way to prepare an agreement on an absolute ceasefire in Donbas. He said this on the results of today's meeting of the TCG in Minsk, the Belarusian telegraph agency BELTA reports. "We are preparing this question, but such a decision has not yet been taken," Sajdik said. In this regard, it is noted that when seeking peaceful solutions to the conflict in the east of Ukraine, one of the main tasks of the TCG remains to ensure the security and necessary living conditions for the civilian population.

The diplomat also drew attention to a recent report on the shooting on an Ambulance car.

He urged the parties to strictly observe the international principles of immunity of medical staff.

The previous New Year-Christmas truce was in force from December 23, 2017, but the occupants violate the agreements daily.

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