OSCE Monitors Caught Militants in a Lie about Shelling

The militants of the terrorist organization DNR did not miss the observers of the Special Monitoring Mission (OSCE) in the direction of the temporarily occupied Yasynuvata alleged because of shelling in the nearby area.

"On 10 June at a check point on road H-20 on the outskirts of controlled by the "DNR" Yakovlivka  (10 km north of Donetsk) an armed “DNR” member stopped the SMM from proceeding towards Yasynuvata”, -  it says in a Mission’s daily report.

The SMM waited 3km south-east of the check point for about two hours before re-approaching.

“The same armed member told that the SMM was not permitted to pass due to ongoing shelling and shooting nearby”, - SMM staff said.

At the same time, the members of the patrol did not hear any firing and did not see signs of shelling.

Observers reported this to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC).

In addition, the next day, June 11, the terrorists did not allow the OSCE patrol to inspect the places of fire damage in the Petrovskyi district of temporarily occupied Donetsk, and at the checkpoint in the "Trudivske" micro district, five armed militants demanded “entry permit” from their “commander”.

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