PHOTO. Graves in Flower Beds, Cemeteries Near Houses: in Mariupol Russians Killed More Than 10,000 Civilians

Residents of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol blocked by Russia, are burying the dead just under the windows of high-rise buildings.

Whole cemeteries began to appear in the middle of the city — on lawns and flower beds. Terrible photos from Mariupol were published by the British agency Reuters.

The photos show people setting up burial crosses with photos and dates of birth and the death of the dead friends, relatives, and loved ones.

The graves are located just on the separation route, where there used to be a lawn and flower beds. And all this in a residential area, under the windows of high-rise buildings.

Russian troops killed more than 10,000 civilians in Mariupol over the past six weeks in their unsuccessful fight to capture the strategic southern port, the mayor of the city Vadym Boychenko said to the Associated Press.

Mariupol has been under blockade since the beginning of March. The Russian military does not allow humanitarian aid, fires on civilians, and throws bombs at civilian buildings where children are hiding.

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