PHOTO. Picture of the Donetsk Photographer from the ATO Zone Became One of the Best in 2017 According to The Guardian

The British newspaper The Guardian published a list of the best photographs of 2017. The photo of the Donetsk photographer Sergey Vaganov that was made in Donbass got in the rating.

According to Vaganov, he took a photo on October 16 on the positions of the Ukrainian army: in the improvised gym the officer doing exercises using 120-mm mortar shells.

"A young officer of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine), a psychologist Alexander Nazarychuk is in the photo. I did a report with him on this day in the Vodyane, and then agreed to stop by their military unit for lunch. I saw this rod made of two mines with a caliber of 120 mm. It was unusual. I asked him to show - and shot it. Before that, I saw a lot of such devices: rods made of bottles filled with sand, made of caterpillar tracks and cinder blocks", - the photographer said.

A Ukrainian serviceman exercises with weights made from mortars/Sergey Vaganov/EPA A Ukrainian serviceman exercises with weights made from mortars/Sergey Vaganov/EPA

The list of the best photos includes pictures of the pregnant Beyonce, a women's march in Washington, a flaming skyscraper in London, photos of Masai warriors playing cricket and many others.

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