PHOTOS. At a Depth of 300 Meters: Jazz Festival Took Place in the Donbas Salt Mine

The jazz festival took place in the salt mine of front-line Soledar, the Donetsk region.

Charitable jazz festival took place in the Donetsk region salt mine at a depth of 300 meters to the Day of the National Guard and the Security Service of Ukraine, NA «Vchasno» reports.

Well-known hits were performed for the military by the team of virtuoso pianist, winner of international competitions Mike Kaufman-Portnikov.

All the performances of the musicians were accompanied by stories about the history of jazz and the light show, which in particular played the colors on the salt walls of the mine. Also, an exhibition of paintings by the Union of Artists of Ukraine and the selfie-zone have worked during the holiday.

The Department of Culture and Tourism of the Donetsk Regional State Administration were the organizers of the holiday.

2025 © Інформаційне агентство «Вчасно» — новини Донбасу.
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