PHOTOS. In February due to the Fighting in Donbas 5 Local Residents Were Killed, 10 People Were Injured

The beginning of 2019 was marked by the escalation of hostilities in Donbas, which brought destructions and deaths of people.

In February 2019, in the part of Donbas controlled by Ukraine, during the fighting, at least 43 houses of civilians were destroyed. This is 2.5 times more than in January 2019 and 4 times more than in December 2018. These facts were documented by the Proliska humanitarian mission team.

As a result of shelling, three residents of Novoluhanske and Troitske were injured or got a concussion.

At least six civilians became victims of the mines: three men were injured as a result of an explosion at an explosive device while harvesting firewood in a forest belt of Hrodivka.

A car with three civilians exploded when it hit an explosive object on the dividing strip in the neutral zone near the Olenivka checkpoint. As a result of the incident, the driver and one passenger died on the spot, and the second passenger was taken to hospital with injuries.

Two civilians died while crossing checkpoint: a man born in 1952 died at the transition to «Stanytsya Luhanska», and the man born in 1956 died in the neutral zone at the «Mayorsk».

One officer of the State Emergencies Service died and three policemen were injured as a result of an explosion that thundered while trying to neutralize explosive objects found in the abandoned house of the village of Netaylovo, Pervomaisky Village Council, the Donetsk Region.

The consequences of the shelling in February 2019:

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