PHOTOS. In the Donetsk Region Teenagers Will Make on a 3D Printer Cubes with Braille for Visually Impaired Children

Training cubes with Braille for blind children will be produced by teenagers in Kramatorsk in the "Toy Laboratory".

A free educational project "Toy Laboratory" started in Kramatorsk. It was organized on the basis of the co-working center "Geek Bunker" to introduce to children possibilities of printing on a 3D printer, IA "Vchasno" reports.

Polymers obtained organically from corn are the materials for printing on a 3D printer. Participation of children in the production of useful cubes will be that they will model and adjust the product in free computer applications, give the task to an "intelligent" printer that prints finished toys according to specified parameters. Implementation of the task by 3D printer takes from one minute to an hour, depending on the weight of the finished model.

"During the lessons on the methodology of non-formal education, the participants of the project will be able to develop and print their own spirographs, at the same time acquainted with the features of a useful mathematical toy, - Sergey Gakov,  the laboratory mentor, says. - They will also try to make a musical instrument like a barrel organ".

A publicly useful part of the project will be the production of puzzles and cubes with letters written in Braille. This font is used for people with vision problems, and toys will be useful for inclusive education of such children.

With material for the production of cubes "Geek Bunker" was provided by the British Council. Finished toys will then be transferred to a specialized boarding school in Slavyansk.

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2025 © ГО "Медіа-Погляд".

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