PHOTOS. The New OSCE Head Arrived to Donbas for the First Time

Today, January 16, the new OSCE chairman Myroslav Laichak arrived to Donbass.

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and OSCE head Myroslav Laichak together with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin arrived on the line of demarcation in Donbass. About this Pavlo Klimkina wrote on his page in Twitter.

Diplomats attended «Stanytsia Luhanska» checkpoint.

«Stanytsia Luhanska» checkpoint is snowy and sunny. The saturated day began. Together with the OSCE Chairman Myroslav Lychak, we will do everything for the effective work of the OSCE and its free movement, including Crimea and the border with Russia in Donbass", Klimkin wrote.

Klimkin also noted that the visit of Laychak to Donbas is an important signal of support of the Slovak OSCE chairmanship.

«Nothing will allow you to better understand what's going on in reality than going and seeing the real state of affairs in Donbas. An important signal of support from the side of the Slovak OSCE chairmanship, «the minister said.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, Myroslav Laichak, became chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on January 1.

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