PHOTOS. VIDEOS. Ukrainian Javelin Already in ATO: the Missile Complex "Korsar" Were Embraced by Armed Forces of Ukraine

Light portable missile system "Korsar", which was developed by the State Enterprise "Kyiv State Design Bureau "Luch", which is part of the state company «Ukrainian Defense Industry», was adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense.

The introduction of a new missile system was preceded by a whole complex of factory and state tests in the presence of the military, during which the "Korsar" confirmed its high characteristics, IA "Vchasno" reports with reference to the press service of "Ukrainian Defense Industry".

In addition, "Luch" has already produced ahead of schedule and supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine more than 50 missiles to "Korsar" together with a certain customer number of launchers.

"Korsar" allows to fire at a distance of 2.5 km (a similar range for the American FGM-148 Javelin), and the guidance of the missile is carried out using a laser beam. At the same time, the guidance is carried out at a low energy level of the radiation in order to conceal the control channel.

One of the main features of this complex is the dimensions that allow it to be carried and to fire from the shoulder, without the use of additional devices. But for the convenience of use in pre-prepared positions, for example in the defense, fighters can use a special machine.

"Luch" for "Korsar" developed two guided missiles ZhK-3K and ZhK-3OF.

ZhK-3K is equipped with a tandem cumulative warhead designed to destroy modern armored stationary and moving objects that have combined, spaced or monolithic armor, including those with dynamic protection, as well as suspended helicopters. This missile provides armor penetration for dynamic protection on at least 550 mm.

The ZhK-3OF is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a shock core and is designed to engage lightly armored objects, field type structures (pillbox) and manpower. During the tests, a through penetration of a 50 mm thick armored plate was achieved.

Despite its small size and weight of 4 kg, it provides guidance of the missile at a range of up to 2.5 km within +/- 250 mm. That is, "Korsar", even at the maximum range of its flight allows the operator to get even into the embrasure of the pillbox.

One of the advanced serial developments of the "Izyum instrument-making plant", which is part of the state company «Ukrainian Defense Industry»  -  the PN-KU guidance device.

Also in 2017, "Kyiv State Design Bureau "Luch" continued deliveries of anti-tank missile systems "Stugna-P", ahead of schedule putting about 300 RK-2 missiles with a certain number of launchers.

Stugna-P, with a maximum shot range of about 5 km, allows to destroy the most armored targets that have combined, spaced or monolithic armor, including dynamic defense, as well as small-sized targets such as pillbox, tank in trenches, lightly armored objects and helicopters.

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