PHOTOS. "We Are Alive": A Photo Exhibition of Children from the Frontline Zone Opened In Kiev

Children from the frontline Marinka and Krasnogorovka presented their photographs at the exhibition in Kiev.

The photo exhibition «We are alive» by the participants of the Youth Media Center opened yesterday in the Kiev on the basis of the studio «Isolation», IA «Vchasno» reports.

The exhibition united the work of eight teenagers from Marinka and Krasnogorovka, who witnessed the tragic events in the Donbass.

«The photo project «We are alive» is a project about children torn from their childhood and placed in the context of the war, — the organizers say. — They return to familiar places — schools, houses, but this is another reality. The present frightens with its contrasts and constant threats. In the photos, the children are on the background of the destroyed walls that once surrounded and protect their happiness, hopes and plans".

Youth Media Center, where children from the frontline zone could learn the skills of photography and the basics of journalism was organized by volunteer Oleg Tkachenko.

Oleg Tkachenko and participants of the Youth Media Center / Photo: FB of Oleg Tkachenko Oleg Tkachenko and participants of the Youth Media Center / Photo: FB of Oleg Tkachenko «It took a lot of effort and time to find, teach and prepare talented, responsible and persistent teenagers from Krasnogorovka and Marinka to ensure that they were able to display and transfer their childhood in the so-called «gray zone», — Oleg Tkachenko noted. — It seemed that the event did not make a big sensation, there was no media, high-ranking officials, but this is a very important event in the life of our country, in the life of frontline cities. It is very important for us to understand that our children are our future and there are no «other people's children», everything that we put in them today will grow in them tomorrow».

The photo exhibition of children from the frontline zone in the «Isolation» center will last until August 8.

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