Poroshenko Announced the Termination of Martial Law in Ukraine

Today, December 26, the legal status of martial law, which was introduced in 10 regions of Ukraine, has expired.

Today, during the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he had decided to end martial law in Ukraine.

«Now at 14 o'clock, the martial law is terminated. This is my decision, it is based on an analysis of all components of the security situation in the country», Poroshenko said.

READ: Ukraine Partially Imposed Martial Law

He noted that during the martial law it was possible to carry out a lot of work, in particular, on the redeployment of Ukrainian troops, completing the army and supplying modernized equipment and equipment to the Armed Forces.

Petro Poroshenko also said that the presidential elections in Ukraine will be held, as expected, on March 31.

Recall martial law was introduced in Ukraine on November 26 because of the aggression of Russia in the Sea of Azov: a Russian border ship rammed a Ukrainian tug in the Sea of Azov. Special Forces of the Russian Federation captured three Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait, six Ukrainian sailors were wounded and captured by Russia.

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