Poroshenko Promised to Rebuild the Donetsk Airport

Ukraine will regain control of Donetsk airport and restore it.

In the future, Ukraine will rebuild the destroyed Donetsk airport.

President Poroshenko declared this on January 20 during the honor of the memory of defenders of the Donetsk airport on the territory of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The event was attended by President Poroshenko, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the families of the dead soldiers.

«We will never forget the heroic feat and will not forgive the enemy. And we will not betray what we believe in and fight for. We will rebuild the airport of Donetsk and the Ukrainian flag, which „cyborgs“ have been hoisting again and again under the bullets and projectiles, will always wave at its high control tower. The airport will become better, more modern. Planes from all over the world will land and depart there. And we will always remember our heroes,» the Head of State said.

«We have the honor to live at one time with incredible heroes who have already become a legend. But they are heroes. Not a myth, but a pure truth. A fierce confrontation between Ukrainian soldiers and Russian aggressors in the Donetsk airport was finished at the end of January. The walls didn’t withstand. But Ukrainian warriors withstood, did not break, did not bend and gained immortal glory. And that is why they won,» Poroshenko noted.

Recall 4 years ago, January 21, 2015, the last Ukrainian soldier left his position at the Donetsk airport. For 242 days, men from all over Ukraine, who would later be called «cyborgs», held defenses in the enemy’s environment. During this time, 1541 defenders died.

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