Russia Already Begun to "Exit" from Donbass, There Will Not Be a Large-Scale Offensive

Deputy Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories Yuriy Grymchak is sure that by 2018 Russia will finally leave Donbass.

Deputy Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Yuriy Grymchak is sure that it is no longer profitable for Russia to keep the «DNR» and «LNR» militants, so Russia has already begun withdrawing its military equipment from Donbass. He told about this on the air of Espreso.TV, IA «Vchasno» reports.

So, the deputy minister shared information that the next year in Russia there is no funding for certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

«The retention of certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions is becoming extremely expensive for the Russian Federation from political, international, financial, economic and other points of view», he said.

Also, the deputy minister cited a number of facts that Russia has already begun to "exit" from Donbass. Thus, the withdrawal of valuable Russian military equipment from the territory of Donbass started: electronic warfare complexes, anti-aircraft batteries, as well as air defense systems and tracking systems - such equipment is extremely expensive and in the Russian Federation it is not so much of that.

The politician also commented on the OSCE report about 200 vehicles that went in the direction of Mariupol to Novoazovsk. He stressed that some of the equipment left it with a "gruz 200" (human remains), and the other part left the way that "the bottom of the cars bent".

«There is nothing to export from Novoazovsk, there are no enterprises there»,  — Grymchak said. — You can rob recreation centers, but this is not the level and not 200 cars to drive. They export their own equipment that they need».

Yuriy Grymchak stressed that the conflict in Donbass could escalate in the fall, but there will not be a large-scale offensive of Russia.

«They may even try to somehow stir up Ukraine in the fall or make an escalation», he said. — This does not mean that there will be a large-scale offensive. Just an escalation, this has happened more than once».

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