Russia Seized Three Ukrainian Warships in the Azov Sea, there Are Wounded Ukrainian Sailors

In the Kerch Strait, special forces of the Russian Federation captured three Ukrainian ships.

According to operational information, in the Azov Sea Ukrainian small armored artillery boats «Berdyansk», «Nikopol» were hit by enemy fire and lost their course. It is reported by the press center of the Command of the Ukrainian Navy.

It is also reported that the raid tug «Yany Kapu» was also forced to stop by Russia.

«The ships were captured by Russian special forces. There is also information about six wounded Ukrainian military sailors," — noted in the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called on people's deputies to hold an emergency meeting of the Verkhovna Rada to consider the issue of imposing martial law in the country.

Based on the decision of the Poroshenko and National Security and Defense Council on the imposition of martial law in Ukraine, the army, the Security Service of Ukraine and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine units are given full combat readiness.

Earlier, yesterday morning a Russian border ship rammed a Ukrainian tugboat in the Sea of Azov.

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