Russians Are Planning a «Tribunal» of «Azovstal» Defenders in Mariupol and Turning Philharmonic into Prison

Initially, they want to hold the show trial on August 24 — the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Russians Are Planning a "Tribunal" of "Azovstal" Defenders in Mariupol and Turning Philharmonic into Prison

«The occupiers are in a hurry until August 24 and turn the chamber philharmonic hall into a prison. In addition to the cages, a special bunker/garage is being set up to receive the trucks that will transport our captured Heroes,» said Petro Andryushchenko, adviser to the Mariupol mayor.

Recommend to read: Bloody War Crime: Russia Committed Murder of Ukrainian POWs in Donbas

This building did not exist before the war, it is being built exclusively for one purpose — the «tribunal». Illegal courts that the Russians want to hold. The building will be connected by a special corridor with cages and cells.

«The true face of Russians is not even neo-Nazism. This is neo-Bolshevism. To turn the Temple of Art into a crime scene,» Andryushchenko comments.

The Russian occupiers have already built prison cells on the stage of the Philharmonic:

The Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders appealed to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Red Cross, and the UN with a call to prevent the holding of a fake tribunal against Ukrainian defenders. They emphasize that pseudo-states have no right to judge the military who performed their duties on the territory of their state. Moreover, their rights must be guaranteed by the Geneva Conventions.

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