«She Died from a Shell from the Last «Humkonvoy» — on the UN Security Council a Photo of a Schoolgirl Killed in Donbas Was Showed to the Russians

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin at a meeting of the UN Security Council showed the Russian delegation a photo of 15-year-old Dariya Kazemirova, who died in a result of shelling in the Donetsk region on May 28.

Pavlo Klimkin during a meeting of the UN Security Council called on the Russian Federation to stop military operations in Donbas. It was reported by the press center of the Ukrainian representation to the UN.

Klimkin showed a photo of 15-year-old Dariya Kazemirova, who died in the village of Zalizne, Donetsk region on May 28.

Photo: Ukrainian representation to the UN Photo: Ukrainian representation to the UN«This is a picture of Dariya Kazemirova. Three days ago, she turned 15. Just yesterday she was killed in the backyard of her house by a 122 mm shell prohibited by Minsk agreements shot by the Russian proxies. I will ask the Russian delegate: is this shell from the latest so-called humanitarian convoy? Or did the Russian proxies buy heavy ammunition and weaponry in local supermarkets? Unfortunately, this is a rhetorical question, it does not need an answer, especially from the Russian Federation», Klimkin said.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted that the issue of settling the situation in the Donbas mainly depends on Russia.

Recall, on May 28, 2018, in the village of Zalizne of the Donetsk region died 15-year-old Dariya Kazemirova, the 9th-grade pupil of school number 7.

The child was in the courtyard of her grandparents' house at the time when a large-caliber projectile arrived there. According to preliminary data, the shot was made from the Gagarin mine controlled by the militants.

Today, in the courtyard of the native school, there was a farewell to the deceased schoolgirl.

Photos: Toretsk Civil-Military Administration Photos: Toretsk Civil-Military Administration

The tragedy in the village of Zalizne stirred up the residents of the Donetsk region. Friends of Dariya talk about the girl as a very open and cheerful child. On the eve of death, the girl was preparing for the upcoming examinations and graduation.

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