The Court Ordered Russia to Compensate the Damage of 35,000 Euros to the Internally Displaced Person from Donbass

The court of Lugansk region ordered the Russian Federation to compensate the damage in the amount of 35 thousand euros to the IDP Irina Kalinina, who suffered from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

On June 20, the Starobelsk District Court of Lugansk region decided to recover from the Russian Federation in favor of the victim 35,000 euros in compensation for moral damage. The IA "Vchasno" was informed about this in the All-Ukrainian civil movement "Syla Prava".

The court also seized three billion dollars of the Russian "Yanukovych’s loan", which was granted to Ukraine in 2013. The court forbade the government of Ukraine, the State Treasury and the National Bank to conduct any payments under the contract.

Such a decision of the court is not unique in Ukraine. Earlier, the Kiev court forbade Ukraine to repay Russia a debt of three billion dollars. The basis for such a decision was the lawsuit filed by the IDP from Lugansk Irina Verigina about the compensation to her of losses caused by military actions in the east of Ukraine.

According to Andrey Senchenko, the head of the Coordinating Council "Syla Prava", the public will continue to demand through the courts to seize Russian state assets in order to compel the Russian Federation to compensate losses caused to Ukrainian citizens, the country and business.

Lawyers hope that a three billion dollars loan that has not been returned to Russia will be spent on extinguishing of claims in favor of Ukrainian citizens.

For a year and a half of the work of the organization, courts of the first instance adopted 34 decisions to satisfy IDP’s suits, 20 decisions on applications of families of dead fighters and 12 decisions on applications of the wounded to establish a legal fact. Also, 3 decisions were taken to compensate for the claims of IDPs and the same amount - at the request of families of the deceased.

Public officials accompany the whole process - from the preparation of the first application to the court to the actual receipt of compensation for material and moral harm from the Russian Federation as an aggressor state. The period from the preparation of the claim to the court decision takes about a year. So far, none of the victims have received compensation for the damage, but the public officials continue to file suits with confidence that, by the decision of the Ukrainian courts, the damage to the victims will sooner or later be compensated.

The human rights organization "Syla Prava" is the only human rights organization in Ukraine that helps citizens to receive compensation for material and moral harm caused as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Every citizen who has suffered from Russia's criminal actions can receive free advice and effective legal assistance in the preparation and support of the statement of claim - from the time he is filed before the court, before actually receiving compensation for the damage.

The main office of the organization is located in Kiev, Bankova St., 2. There are 23 reception centers in Ukraine.

Contacts for communication with specialists can be obtained on the official website of the organization.

2025 © Інформаційне агентство «Вчасно» — новини Донбасу.
2025 © ГО "Медіа-Погляд".

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