The European Union Should Continue to Push on the Kremlin, Because the Problem Is Not in Kiev, but in Putin - Rebecca Harms about the Situation in Donbass

During the visit to Donbass, MEPs saw the consequences of military aggression against Ukraine and once again set the priorities for the EU.

After the visit to Avdiivka, the delegation of the Parliamentary Committee of the Association between Ukraine and the EU, which included 19 MEPs, expressed support to the Ukrainian side and determined the directions of assistance to the Ukrainians.

"The European Union should continue to push on the Kremlin, because the problem is not in Kiev, but in Putin, who is not interested in resolving of the situation in the Donbass," Rebecca Harms said summing up the visit in an interview with the IA “Vchasno”.

In this issue, the role of world leaders is important, the representative of the European Parliament noted.

"It is very good that the election in France won Macron, because he can give a decent response to Putin, — Rebecca Harms said. — But it is not yet known who will become Chancellor in the future elections in Germany, and what this will bring to Ukraine."

MEPs strongly advise Ukrainians to implement reforms as quickly and efficiently as possible, not forgetting that much is in the hands of the people themselves. Reforms are important in every area - judicial, information, education and others. About this on the eve of the trip to Donbass, the European parliamentarians spoke in the Verkhovna Rada.

Rebecca Harms assured that Europeans remember and know about the problems of Ukrainians, but the attention of the EU community is riveted and to military conflicts in other countries.

At the same time, representatives of the EU delegation noted that the European Union will continue to provide assistance to the people of Donbass, but it would be more effective in establishing peace in the region. In particular, it was a question of supporting education in the east of Ukraine.

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