The Former Leader of the Luhansk Militants Ihor Plotnitsky Disappeared in Russia

In the Detention Facility No. 1 in St. Petersburg, known as the "Crosses", they deny that they hold the former leader of the Luhansk militants Ihor Plotnitsky.

Roman Shirshov, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission, after visiting the detention center, noted that he had not found Plotnitsky, who had escaped from the “LNR”. He said this in a commentary to the Russian television channel Dozhd.

"I went there today [In the Detention Facility No. 1 in St. Petersburg] and gave a list of people I wanted to talk to. They said that there is no Plotnitsky," the human rights activist said.

Shirshov said that he intended to call the Federal Penitentiary Service and find out whether Plotnitsky is in some other isolator.

Recall, recently Lugansk terrorist Vladlen Zaruba said that the leader of the Luhansk militants Ihor Plotnitsky was detained and he is in St. Petersburg detention center.

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