The Little Hero of the Film about the War in Donbas Went to the USA

The little hero of the documentary film about the war in Donbas «The Distant Barking of Dogs» Oleh Afanasyev and his grandmother Olexandra Ryabichkina went to the United States to show the film.

Oleh Afanasyev and his grandmother will spend 5 days in New York and will attend film screenings and public events to talk about the war in Ukraine. Azad Safarov, assistant director of the film, reported it on his Facebook page.

«We are launching an Oscar promo campaign, and they are going to New York for film screenings and public events, where they can talk about the war in the east of Ukraine», the assistant director said.

READ: A Documentary about a Boy from Donbas Won a Prize at a Film Festival in the USA

«The Distant Barking of Dogs» was a joint project of Denmark, Sweden, and Finland and hit the Oscar longlist, received 25 awards at film festivals in different countries, and was nominated for the best European Film Academy. The film is directed by Simon Lereng Wilmont.

The film tells about the life of little Oleh Afanasyev, who, along with his grandmother, lives in the frontline Hnutove in the Donetsk region.

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