The UN Will Collect 162 Million Dollars to Help Donbas

The UN creates a humanitarian fund to help Ukrainians affected by the war in Donbas.

To assist residents of Donbas in 2019, it is necessary to raise $ 162 million, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Ursula Mueller said at a meeting on the development of a humanitarian plan for Ukraine.

According to Ursula Muller, 2.3 million people need humanitarian aid in Donbas.

«Civilians continue to pay the highest price. More than 3,300 civilians have been killed, and up to 9,000 injured since the conflict began in 2014. 1.5 million people have been internally displaced. The humanitarian consequences are severe. This year, we require $ 162 million USD to provide aid to 2.3 million people, through the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan. The Plan focuses on protection of affected people, and on restoring their access to livelihoods, essential services and critical structures. While humanitarian assistance continues to be critical as a result of conflict, we aim to meet people’s needs through more sustainable efforts, linking with recovery and development action, where possible», Ursula Muller noted.

the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs urged countries to join and contribute to the United Humanitarian Aid Fund.

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