The USA Accused Russia of Rocket Attacks Against Civilians in Donbass

The U.S. Department of State accused Putin of rocket attacks on civilians in Donbass.

U.S. Department of State spokesperson Heather Neuert said Washington accused the Russian Federation of carrying out missile and artillery attacks against civilians in Donbass and urged the Kremlin to take immediate steps to resolve the humanitarian crisis in the region.

In particular, in the U.S. Department of State noted that the situation in Ukraine is not improving at all, and the White House, as before, is deeply concerned about the escalation of violence and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Donbass.

Neuert said: "The USA again call on Russia to stop artillery and rocket attacks against Ukrainian civilian areas and to honor the ceasefire called for in the peace agreements".

She also stressed that the humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine is one of the worst it has been now in three years and it is deteriorating.

Neuert noted: "We call on Russia to take immediate steps to resolve the humanitarian crisis by withdrawing its forces and agreeing to a robust UN peacekeeping mission".

The United States also called on Ukraine to do as much work as possible to protect civilians and strategic infrastructure in the region.

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