The USA Has Irrefutable Proofs of the Guilt of the Russian Federation and the Terrorists of the «DNR» in the Boeing Crash in Donbass

The United States has irrefutable proofs that the Malaysian Boeing MH17 was shot down from the territory controlled by the Russian-terrorist forces but has not yet disclosed the available information.

About this in an interview with the radio station «Echo of Moscow» the U.S ambassador to Russia, John Tefft said.

According to him, Washington keeps these data secret because American intelligence agencies are interested in preserving their sources of information.

«There are sources and methods that they (heads of special services) will not tell about. And it seems to me that any special service will not talk about it. After you uncover, you can endanger the source of information, and this no one will do, and the Russians will not do this either», he said.

In addition, Tefft drew attention to the fact that the special services provided proofs in the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the congressmen found them convincing.

«The proofs were presented to the representatives of the U.S people both in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, and almost unanimously voted for sanctions. No one asked questions, I know from colleagues that the proofs are convincing», he said.

The diplomat recalled that the investigation of the Dutch commission also confirmed that the airliner was shot down from the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, which Russia provided terrorists under its control.

Earlier, representatives of the international investigation group officially stated that the MH17 aircraft had been hit by a missile from the «Buk» complex brought from Russia to Pervomaisk district of the Donetsk region, which at the time of the catastrophe was already under the control of terrorists.

The Russian Defense Ministry and the Russian concern-manufacturer of «Buk» anti-aircraft missile systems and «Almaz-Antey» locators held a press conference in Moscow where they presented data from a locator allegedly indicating that next to Boeing777 on July 17, 2014, there were no objects.

Earlier, the group of journalistic investigations Bellingcat caught the Ministry of Defense in the false information on the crash of the aircraft, which contradicts the previous position of Moscow.

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