The USA Plan to Assign 200 Million Dollars for Strengthening Ukraine's Security and Defense Sector

The 2019 draft federal budget of the U.S. includes 200 million dollars of financial assistance for Ukraine for strengthening security and defense.

According to the officially published document of the draft federal budget of the United States, $ 200 million is proposed to be spent on supplying Ukraine with military weaponry and equipment, other military equipment and services, logistic support, and reconnaissance support for the Armed Forces and the Ukrainian security forces. This is reported on the page of the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA on Facebook.

It is noted that, compared to the budget request for 2018, the proposed amount of security assistance to Ukraine is increased by $ 50 million.

«Ukraine is among few states that are to get help in the security sector under the Foreign Military Financing program from the Department of State», — reported in the message.

The draft budget for 2019 is yet to be discussed at the U.S. Congress, where lawmakers can edit it and offer various amendments.

The final amount of aid to Ukraine will be known after the completion of the entire process of passing the document, which is now at the initial stage.

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