«There Will Be no War in Donbas», — Joint Forces Operation Commander

The commander of Joint Forces Operation (JFO) Serhii Naiev assured Donbas residents that there would be no war in the region.

Joint Forces Operation commander Serhii Naiev said that active military operations in the region will not be conducted, «Vchasno» news agency reports.

READ: The General Staff Prepared Documents on the Beginning of the Joint Forces Operation in Donbas

«There will be no war in Donbas. Joint Forces have the goal of preventing the war from inflating,» said Serhii Naiev.

Also, the commander invited all Donetsk Regional State Administration structures to «create an attractive climate and build a peaceful Donetsk region.»

He noted that JFO is ready for cooperation in the matter of restoration of power supply, water supply, and other communications in the front-line settlements.

Naiev also noted and the importance of roads improving in the region.

«We need to work in this direction because the road network is an investment attraction and logistics, it is in the interests of JFO,» he said.

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