To Silence American UAVs: the Most Up-To-Date Russian Radio-Electronic Weapons Appeared in the Service of Militants

OSCE observers recorded the newest Russian electronic warfare complex «Tirada-2» in the occupied territories of the Luhansk region.

The electronic warfare complex was detected using a drone 60 kilometers west of Luhansk, according to OSCE SMM report.

Also, OSCE staff found a nearby automated jamming station (R-330Zh, «Zhitel»).

«An SMM mini-UAV spotted an automatic jamming system (R-330Zh, „Zhitel“) on a KamAZ-4310 and a radio-electronic jamming complex (Tirada-2) near Yuzhna-Lomuvatka (60km west of Luhansk)», the report says.

The «Tirada-2» system is the newest Russian radio-electronic weapon produced in Vladimir. The supply of this weapon to the Russian army was announced last summer.

The «Tirada-2» complex is designed for contactless disabling of communication satellites.

«Zhitel» station is designed to detect the radio signal in the range of 100−2000 MHz and to create radio interference. With the help of «Zhitel», it is possible to block the operation of satellite communications, navigation equipment, cellular base stations GSM-900/1800.

According to the InformNapalm community, these systems will be used by Russian mercenaries to jam the signal of American drones Global Hawk, which conduct monitoring flights on the demarcation line in Donbas.

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