UNDP Will Continue to Assist Small Businesses in the Donetsk Region - Janthomas Hiemstra

During the international economic forum "Discover Dn.Ua", which is taking place today in Kramatorsk, UNDP representative Janthomas Hiemstra announced his readiness to support small and medium-sized business in the Donetsk region.

According to the representative of the international organization, a large business in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions is rapidly recovering from military events in this territory, IA “Vchasno” reports.

In addition to the traditional branches of agriculture, metallurgy and machine building, there is an opportunity for the development of small businesses. Small and medium-sized businesses receive grant assistance for rehabilitation from international organizations, including the UNDP.

"This assistance will be continued, - Janthomas Hiemstra assured. - Over the past three years, Donetsk and Luhansk regions received through the UNDP 3 million dollars for various programs. In addition to financial support, the local business received learning and training opportunities".

In general, 500 small business representatives received grants for business development. In the future, UNDP is ready to continue providing assistance for business in the amount of about $ 2 million per year.

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