Upside Down: British Woman at a forum in the Donetsk Region Visually Showed Ukrainian Women How to Look for New Prospects in Business

A forum "Business4Women" was opened in Mariupol (Donetsk region, Ukraine), participators of which women entrepreneurs became.

The most outstanding speech among the speakers at the opening of the forum was the presentation by Madi Sharma, representative of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) (Great Britain), who made a headstand, demonstrating to Ukrainian women that it is necessary to look for new perspectives and angles in business, the correspondent of IA "Vchasno" reports .

Also at the opening Ukrainians heard advice from the representatives of Canada and Greece. All the speeches of foreign businesswomen aroused the interest of the audience. After completing the panel of these speakers, the forum participants could talk in person and receive individual consultations from each of their foreign colleagues.

"A woman is like a tea bag, - Madi Sharma said. - She does not know her strength until she gets into the hot water. We are all powerful women".

Presentation of Eleni Georgopoulou, the Consul General of Greece in Mariupol Eleni Georgopoulou / Photo: DCCI Presentation of Eleni Georgopoulou, the Consul General of Greece in Mariupol Eleni Georgopoulou / Photo: DCCI"Women from birth can combine many things, and must be able to turn on both logic and emotions", - Consul General of Greece in Mariupol Eleni Georgopoulou added.

During the two days of the Business4Women forum, women entrepreneurs will also tell their success stories, learn about the experiences of others, and establish new partnerships.

Such a unique meeting of business representatives became possible thanks to the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction.

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