VIDEO. Donbas Entrepreneurs Have Been Trained on Developing of Own Business

For 4 months in three cities of Donbas (Kramatorsk, Mariupol and Severodonetsk) experienced business coaches, owners of the operating business, shared their experience with the entrepreneurs-beginners.

«Some of the people who took part in the program are businessmen who transferred their business from the occupied territories and have difficulties with sales,» said Alexander Matyash, mentor of the «Mentoring for Entrepreneurs» program.

In the framework of the project, in which 236 people took part, entrepreneurs learned the subtleties of conducting coffee, confectionery, beauty business and production development.

«About 10 people received grants for the development of their business. I directly link it with our project, as we improved their ideas with mentors,» said Veronika Lebedeva, coordinator of the Center for the Employment of Free People.

According to the coordinators of the project, mentoring training will continue. While the directions and dates have not yet been determined, the format will remain the same.

The program is implemented by the Center for Employment of Free People in the framework of the project «Strengthening Public Confidence», funded by the USAID Ukraine, and already has results.

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