VIDEO. "I Am a Ukrainian Cyborg": the Defenderes of the Donetsk Airport Demanded an Apology from Apple for Commercial with a "Cyborg from Russia"

During the presentation of the new Apple Watch Series 3, the company showed commercials with stories of people from all over the world, one of which showed the history of the "cyborg from Russia".

In the commercial for the watch, the Russian host of the "Match TV" with a leg prosthesis, Dmitriy Ignatov, who described himself as "a cyborg from Russia", appeared, IA "Vchasno" reports.

In the video, Ignatov reads in Russian his part of the letter to the Tim Cook - CEO of corporation.

"This is a Russian cyborg writing you a letter”, -  the video says. The video shows how Ignatov is swimming and measures his activity in the pool with the help of Apple Watch.

Such advertising caused a stormy reaction among Ukrainians, who were outraged by the comparison of the Russian with the heroic defenders of the Donetsk airport, nicknamed "cyborgs" for an inexhaustible will to win.

The military recorded a video message in which they asked the company to comment on the incident and ask for an apology to the defenders of the Donetsk airport.

"Dear Apple, I am a Ukrainian cyborg. I know you will watch this. But I am not sure you know why your commercial insults me and my country, - the video message said. -  In 2014 Russian armed forces and their proxies attacked Ukraine. I went to defend it. They called me a cyborg, because I survived so long that they could not believe it. Over 10 000 of my people have been killed since 2014. While people killed and tortured, your company has wittingly or unwittingly colluded with the Russian Federation in its propaganda war against us. It has done so by presenting a “Russian” cyborg”.

The Ukrainian military appealed to the management of Apple with a request to urgently fix the video and bring a written apology to all "cyborgs."

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