VIDEO. Unknown Armed People Captured the Center of Luhansk

The center of Luhansk, including administrative buildings, was captured by a group of unknown people in military uniforms without insignia and signs of belonging to various organizations.

Sources of the «Novaya Gazeta» state that people are armed with small arms and mortars.

The leader of the "LNR" Igor Plotnitsky, who was in the morning in the workplace, ordered them to release the city, but they "ignored" the order.

"Unknown people block access to administrative buildings, employees of the government and people's council are disbanded to their homes, - it was written in the newspaper.

According to unconfirmed data, three military "Ural" with soldiers of the "republican state security service" that obey to the leader of the "DNR" Zakharchenko, arrived in the occupied Luhansk from Donetsk.

In social networks, residents of the Luhansk region assume that what is happening is staged by the "leadership of the interior ministry". Luhansk residents say that the events are connected with the conflict between the detached head of the "Interior Ministry" Igor Cornet and the leader of the "LNR" Igor Plotnitsky.

It should be reminded, November 20, Igor Plotnitsky has dismissed Cornet, but Cornet has refused to obey this "order".

About the cases of armed clashes, as well as the demands put forward by unknown armed men, have not yet been reported. According to them, the so-called "interior ministry" conducts antiterrorist exercises. In the "interior ministry" they refuse any comments.

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