On What Putin Counts with the Idea of UN Peacekeepers in Donbass

Igar Tyshkevich, an analyst at the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, described five goals that Russia wants to achieve by introducing UN peacekeepers to Donbass.

He writes about this in his column on the "Hvilya", IA "Vchasno" reports.

Thus, the expert believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not just propose the introduction of a peacekeeping contingent to Donbass, but outlined his conditions, which significantly limit the effectiveness of the work of peacekeepers.

"In particular, Russian proposals concern the deployment of "blue helmets" only on the contact line, so, these connections will not have any influence on the events inside the occupied territories," Tyshkevich noted.

The analyst added that this is how Russia tries: to demonstrate "progress and goodwill" in resolving the situation in Donbass; to impose its format on the discussion of the problem and to seize the initiative; to record that the contingent is being introduced to separate the opposing sides in the conflict in the east of Ukraine and to introduce the «LDNR» leaders in the negotiation process as full participants; become only a "mediator" in the war in Donbass; prevent the recognition of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions as the occupied territories and re-hang at least the financing of the region to Kiev.

  1. Demonstrate "progress and goodwill" - it can not doubt that Russian diplomats will emphasize in every way that the thesis about the peacekeeping contingent was voiced by Petr Poroshenko;
  2. To impose its format on the discussion of the problem and seize the initiative, create a situation in which from Ukraine "steps in response" will be waited;
  3. To fix that the contingent is introduced to separate the opposing sides in the conflict in the east of Ukraine and to introduce the LDNR leaders in the negotiation process as full participants.
  4. If item 3 turns out to be successful, then Russia gets a powerful tool to support the thesis about the "civil war in Ukraine", trying again to become "just an intermediary wishing good"
  5. Due to the implementation of items 2-4 to prevent the recognition of the CDDLR as the occupied territories and again hang at least the financing of the region to Kiev.

"If this happens, then we have a classic, many times overplayed variant of "enclaves" like in Abkhazia and North Ossetia.

This is a convenient position for the Russian Federation, since the Kremlin in practice knows how to maintain a degree of tension under such conditions," he summed up.

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