U.S Senate Approved the Allocation of $500 Million and Lethal Weapons for Ukraine

The Senate of the United States of America approved the draft "Law on the U.S Budget for National Security Needs 2018".

It was reported on the Facebook page by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

"The U.S Senate approved the draft law on the US budget for the needs of national security 2018, providing the allocation of $ 500 million to support Ukraine in the field of security and defense", he wrote.

The draft law authorizes the provision of Ukraine with lethal weapons of a defensive nature. It also includes provisions allowing the use of U.S defense budget funds for rehabilitation in medical institutions of the United States for wounded Ukrainian servicemen, as well as for enhancing the ability of Ukraine's air and naval forces.

"For the first time at the legislative level, it is proposed to provide Ukraine with such defensive means: radar air defense and surveillance over the surface situation; naval anti-mine means; ships of coastal action and coast guard", Poroshenko said.

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